Kanye West has revealed that he is happy with Kylie Puma Deal, despite saying it would never happen and threatening to return Puma's $1million back explaining that she signed it secretly.
“She had already signed and I was mad for a little bit… but I’m really happy for her though.”He said
“I spent 53 million over the past 13 years chasing my dreams and I wanted to make sure all entrepreneurs that it's possible to go under and still make it out.
“You know with my shoes I know I'm going to make it better but there's times it was definitely hard, there was times it was a struggle, there were times it was frustrating because it felt like if you make the Yeezys maybe someone will come out and support you.“It felt like if you are a dope artist then maybe someone will support you, but that didn't happen. The only company that ever supported me was Adidas.”
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