This has got to be one of the most emotional things we have heard this week. NBA star Iman Shumpert‘s baby daughter was delivered in his arms after his fiance, singer Teyana Taylor went into labour a month early.
Teyana explain what happened in her own words
Dad tells his side of the story
Congrats. Such a cool story for their daughter to hear.
Photo Credit: Instagram – teyanataylor | imanshumpert
Teyana explain what happened in her own words
On Dec 16th at 6:42am in our bathroom Junie decided she wanted to take her first breath into this world. She came out as a wonderful surprise to everyone! Not knowing I was in labor until I felt her head…it took two ten count pushes with my fiancé playing Dr and she entered this world into his bare hands! Eyes full of tears and barely able to speak to the emergency operator @imanshumpert tied a pair of red headphones around the umbilical cord and the ambulance made there grand entrance 5 min later. She opened her eyes right away, gazed into mine and never cried! He handed her to me wrapped in our bath towel and wiped her face for me to see what LOVE really is. She has blown Christmas away! Our family is complete. Her blueprint will be unmatched. Welcome Iman Tayla Shumpert Jr. Mommy carried you. Daddy delivered you. #MeetTheParents we love you baby girl
Dad tells his side of the story
We have successfully started our very own family! 2015 has been capped off with a grand finale! Our beautiful daughter is finally here and doing well along with her beautiful mother (my fiancé!!!). This is definitely the best assist I’ve ever recorded in my life. We were indeed terrified until I finally saw her hair…then the fear left and i kinda just knew what to do! Our bathroom is forever sacred lbs! People always tell me there is no greater gift than fatherhood and I finally understand the feeling. I’m not too proud to say I cried endless tears of joy for my first born. Thank you @teyanataylor for this gift and for turning our houses to homes, you are truly special in every aspect! My smile still hasn’t left since her first breath! Thank you to all those that have sent positive vibes our way. You all are deeply appreciated! #iknowyallwassickofourmaternityshoots #yallstillloveus Cue the Gnarls Barkley – smiley faces. Mommy carried you. Daddy delivered you. 12.16.15 we love you June bug! #meettheparentsThe 911 call has now been released and it is so emotional as the new dad can be heard crying as he helped deliver his baby girl.
Congrats. Such a cool story for their daughter to hear.
Photo Credit: Instagram – teyanataylor | imanshumpert
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