Check Out Photos From Goodwill Program @ SBC


Goodwill Program is one of  many ways Shalom Baptist Church Helps the Needy One of the Commandment made by Our Lord Jesus, Goodwill Program is always held on 2nd Sunday in December Yearly, During This year Program the invitees were GOOD NEIGHBOUR CARE and BRIGHT HOPE FOR WINDOWS, both organization carter for the Orphanage and Widowers.
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The Rev. who Ministered Shared the story of a Man whose Wife was always providing for the Family, the wife went to the extent of collecting loan to alleviate the family financial problems, the loan was later used to purchase a Bus, Bus which never served as sourced of income for the family, but for the man alone, who always lie to the wife that he was arrested by the Police or the Bus was faulty, unkown to the woman that he always keep the daily cash under their bed inside a Bournvita Can. One day the was nothing at home and the wife had to provide food for the family, the woman thought of selling old stuffs at home, she eventually sold out the Bournvita Can. The man came back ate the food as usually, in the middle of the night he wanted to hide the money in the can but discover it was not there, he shouted out in furry asking the woman if she had seen any Can the woman told him, she sold it off to provide the Meal. The Man Became Paralyze almost immediately.

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About Oluwaseun Oladoja

A Computer Science Student, Writer, Serial Entreprenuer with love for infotech. Editor-In-Chief and Director of Brand


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