A Common Occurring Nail Abnormality
Have you ever noticed white dots on your fingernails and wondered what
they were? Let's examined a few reasons why they sometimes appear.
Most White Nail Marks Are Called Leukonychia
Leukonychia is caused by bubbles of air that become trapped underneath the fingernail.
Nail Injury
Often times white nail marks may occur due to a minor injury at the base of the nail.
Hereditary & Medical Reasons
It's said they also sometimes developed because of hereditary reasons,
but in other cases they may indicate a medical issue such a fungal
infection or vitamin deficiency.
5. A Preventative: Consume Zinc & Protein
Consuming adequate protein has been found to rebuild damaged
fingernails, and zinc prevents the spots from forming in the first
instance. As a preventative, make sure you're getting the optimal daily
amount of zinc and protein in your diet.
A Computer Science Student, Writer, Serial Entreprenuer with love for infotech.
Editor-In-Chief and Director of Brand NewsReportage.com.ng
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